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curlyfries81 | 13:00 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | Books & Authors
13 Answers

I've bought Boris Johnson's Unleashed. Looking forward to reading it. Anyone else bought it or tempted to?



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I'll keep my eyes open in a few months time in the local charity shops.

I suspect Father Christmas may bring it for me.

I've seen some snippets and I don't think I could cope with a whole bookful of his prose style.

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I got it half price, Atheist, in W H Smith. £15 instead of £30. It's a big old book and will take a whilst to read.

We'll have to compare notes, Naomi24, when you do get round to reading it.

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It's top of Amazon's Best Sellers list.  They're selling it at £15 too.

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I've no doubt it will outsell "Spare".  I don't think they could give that one away. 😂

"Unsheathed" surely. 🤣

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Douglas9401, please save your smut until after the watershed 


just bought it, also bought this: User Recommendationref=sr_1_1?crid=C33A7W7V1KHL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3QyM5ulZ1NP1zTwgyr8pDMyFCXjH3XzakaGHRswRz29IyWQTcvpBG-Ok_ZQTEcUp_z5Xjh9g_0lYcszFzh0dHUC1JvZehAWXHWwD_cixjNeg9AI4aXDZ2vQR6wvF-_Rq3mg4D96bvpcgOUS8t4ufyXg_yC2Qz7LF3K4Jey4SkPrU-Wj09Se91_sbp71oF4GJDOGOuenhzEZZzaC4KKxBspFOkN3uANteTVnb4Cp0j8Q.zaQbyijrKao4jIxFNoQPm8FzQGvISs1gW_gryH3rzBg&dib_tag=se&keywords=david+jason+book&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1728649233&sprefix=david+jason%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-1


13.11.. Nice🤣 He should have been locked up not unleashed.

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Let me know what you think of it, ToraToraTora. I'm also tempted to buy The Plot by Nadine Dorries. 

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Gulliver1, this is a discussion about a book, not a platform for your verbal diarrhoea.

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