Hello frances28. I've just found your message. It took me about 6 years to read through the Rougon/Macquart series. I was reading other books in between.
I set out to read the series 'Properly', having already read three of them some twenty years ago. I needed to find the order that the books went in, so the first thing i did was to get a biograghy on Zola and read that. Of course, I had to miss out all the discussions about each book! I am interested in family trees, and so I kept a family tree as I went through the books. I also kept notes on all the places in Paris that were used in the stories, as I knew that they would be genuine locations - Zola was fastidious in his preporations before starting any of his books.
There is the other matter of translation, I don't know which you would have read. Vizatelly (son and father) translated all of the novels at the time they were written, however, they were heavily censored and alot of the 'essence' was lost. - I was in touch with the Zola society in London which is run by a french lady who has done a thesis on 'Zola in english' no less! - and she explained all this to me. So as far as was possible I tried to get modern translations.
I'll let you digest all this for the moment, and if you want to discuss it further, I'd be happy to. If you prefer to email you can reach me at
[email protected]