Update on the "C" situation...
Hi all. Thought I'd post a little update, seeing as so many of you lovely people sent your best wishes, and asked me to keep you informed...
I visited little sis in hospital today, after she had her op yesterday.
She was seriously groggy, and very frail, but is doing well. All went well with the operation and they've removed what they need to, and there wasn't any need to do a full hysterectomy... which is fantastic news for her, and something positive she's clinging onto.
She looked well, considering, yet she didn't stop scratching the whole time I was there... a side effect of the anesthetic or morphine, I believe?
She was due to come out on Friday, but she thinks they're keeping her in for longer now. As I said, it doesn't matter how long she's in there... she just needs to concentrate on getting herself better.
She was quite teary, which made me feel a bit sad too, but I was just so proud of how well she's done. She's my little fighter!
Without sounding bad, all this has made us closer than ever. My nerves have been shot to bits this past month or so, but suddenly there seems a light at the end of that very dark tunnel.
I gave her a massive hug before I left, and told her she was a bag of bones. She tried to laugh, but I think it hurt a bit. I told her I'd sort that out when she comes to stay with me... fatty goodness all the way! :P
Thanks for all the nice words many of you have given. It's been amazingly comforting... xx