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where do they come from

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mccfluff | 12:51 Fri 09th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
the songs that just appear in your head

im sitting here no radio on just the dulcet tones of M&J dicussing budgets and

"i'll never fall in love again" starts singing in my head - i;ve not heard that for years, can;t remember who sang it and its not a song i particulary like

i kow why gravel pit started going round my swede earlier but where to the random ones come from, am i receiving radio waves?


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I think they come from another dimension and the portal to this world is through your ears, in to your brain and out your mouth when you start randomly humming the song.... it's the only possible explanation.

Well either that or toxic ooze, toxic ooze features often in my films with giant mutated animals in. Gets a bad press does toxic ooze.
You think that's bad.............I'm thinking bloody "ISA ISA baby"
No its a telepathic cat trying to torture you
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i like that explantion i just had wonderwall fly through, i like that one though so wasn;t so bad

crafty you need to get that out of your head pronto
I have the theme tune to 'toxic crusaders'going through my head now that I've said toxic so many times.

(just posting annoyingly stick in your head songs)
(or not)
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nice try chuck but thanks to china i now have out of space stuck on a loop
I always get Joe Dolce mixed up with Joe Pasquale............
I now have 'out of reach' by Gabriel going through my head... I don't like Gabriel.
Guess what?....Its F*****
How do you think I felt as a Boss fan when this came into my head at work!
Monday - We're Shuffling
Tuesday - We're Shuffling
Wednesday - We're Shuffling
Thursday - We're Shuffling
Friday - Shut the F up Rebecca Black
Saturday - We're Shuffling
Sunday - We're Shuffling
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i'm shuffling, buthtats the only line i know, its gettign a bit boring now
I don't understand why if I can sing along to Kasabian, The Kilers and Coldplay in the car how when I am at my desk at work `I'm a pink toothbrush, you're a blue toothbrush' by Max Bygraves or something equally embarrassing suddenly comes out of my mouth :(
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lol, try listening to the road to nowhere on headphones and unknowingly singing it out loud, my boss was in his office and had my other colleague on speaker phone and they were klilling themselves laughing, they're still takign the pee now :-(
When I first had a walkman (back in the day) I'd often find myself singing aloud on a bus... oh the shame of it.

Its a good question though usually of a morning I would often be singing lines from song I haven't heard in years for no apparent reason.
Bobby Gentry

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where do they come from

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