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So Following On---What Are You Reading At Present.

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giveup | 00:15 Mon 21st Jan 2013 | Arts & Literature
42 Answers
I'm reading Blood Hunt by Ian Rankin writing as Jack Harvey.


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The Englishwoman in America-first book by Victorian lady traveller/explorer Isabella Bird, and Hiding From the Light by Barbara Erkine-spooky stuff.
I have just started reading my first Terry Pratchett book, after years of promising myself that I would read one! It's the first one in the Witches series - Equal Rites, and so far it's a great read.
The Night Listener by Armistead Maupin. Only read the first chapter but am gripped already. I love it when that happens.
Just started on Round The Bend by Jeremy Clarkson, after finishing House Of Fun: The Story of Madness by John Reed User Recommendation
Get your skates on and read the rest, lynda. You won't be disappointed.
Reading 'Brother Grimm' again because my daughter says I've missed something important the other day when we were talking about it and won't tell me what ; /
I'm rereading Gene Wolfe's Book of The New Sun tetralogy, which I read first in the 80s. I'm suprised by what I remember, what I've forgotten about the books, and what I think I'm understanding now which I never did then.
Just finishing --Marthas journey by Maureen lee. Brilliant story.
Hi LyndaB - the Pratchett stuff usually gets better the more you read, feels like colouring in a universe.
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance,
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.”
merry xmas alex cross by james patterson and then life of pi

Lyndab - TP is amazing, i love all his books so much. Good Omens by himself and Neil Gaiman is a classic, is not about the disc world but very very funny parody of the Omen story
Just finished The Life Of Pi and now reading
' The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared' by Jonas Jonasson - quite good.
Swimsuit by James Patterson.
will be starting a life of Pi, shortly...
Conan Doyle, a collection of stories about the Napoleonic Wars. Revisiting a great favourite of childhood.
I notice a few people mentioning Life of Pi. I've downloaded it and will try it soon. Its still available on Amazon Kindle for just 20p!
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
this is my recommendation, a stunning book, very moving and goes into my top ten

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
I read that Em and was a bit deflated at the end, but yes, it was very moving.

I'm just about to start Black Box by Michael Connelly, my favourite author.

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