Do you have any photos you've taken and would like to post here?
They could be from a basic 'point n shoot', a high falutin' DSLR or a scan from a pic taken on an old film camera or maybe just something you snapped on your phone.
Maybe you could give a short account of the circumstances eg. where/why it was taken, what memory/feeling it holds for you.
That's my point Mamya, it's not about the quality or expertise necessarily, if you have a pic that captures a moment, up load it and maybe include a couple of lines that explain what it meant to you.
Paddywak. As far as I can remember, you need to log into your Photobucket acct, click on your username (top right) then select the 'Privacy' tab and scroll to the bottom and slide the selector to 'private' then save.
I've done the walk along the coastal path from Poole to Swanage a few times (although I did use the Sandbanks ferry rather than walk on water) and last time I took a set of photos that I converted to 3D, so if you've got a pair of those red/cyan glasses handy then this shows the 3D effect quite well (the picture's always a bit darker with the glasses on than would preferable)
I only popped out for a few minutes to get the picture then retreated back indoors as not to disturb nature taking its course. I spent the rest of the day glued to the window keeping an eye out for any hungry cats and watching mum teaching her chicks to fly. I felt like a proud father ;p
Those are great RB - I hope they all made it to adulthood without any feline disturbance!
Bibble - I love that area. There is a tiny stone circle hidden away in woods on the road from Studland to Swanage, also one of my most favourite pubs in the history of the universe is near there (Worth Matravers).
No prancer he was a Long haired GSD sadly he went to sleep nearly a year ago when he lost the use of his back legs at the age of 10½. I use his several incarnations as my avatar, the one I'm using now is when he was in his prime at about 5 years old.
Jeebus! I'd like to have a go at that, some of the POVs could be taken without too much risk. I nearly did a 'facedown' (plank) today, but I didn't think the setting was that interesting, I'd like to give this a go somewhere as seen in these pics.