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Seems A Bit Harsh ...

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joggerjayne | 08:20 Tue 19th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
51 Answers

K-Middy isn't an air head like Diana was. She's a grad from St Andrews Uni.

And she's doing a fab job, in the face of one or two intrusive little pap oiks.

Has anyone got any mouldy fruit that I could throw at Hilary Mantel, please?


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hilary mantel is a blancmange
Stop calling her K Middy, makes you sound 12!
Question Author
I don't understand.

Or am I being an air head? Is that just some mild, but much deserved, abuse?

lol Boo.

Everyone is allowed their opinions JJ, just because you do not agree.

The world would be a boring place if we all agreed.
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Oh, B00 ... ( smack!! ) ... Ouch!

But she's universally known as ... you know what.

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Red ... absolutely true.

And I'm allowed to throw soft fruit at HM.
Boo, that was mean!!!
Yes it was, apologies, but still, desist :P
No she isn't Jayne.
Having viewed the acompanying photos I'd suggest that the last thing to be thrown at Ms Manatee is food of any kind.
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Actually, I thought that B00 saying "it makes you sound 12" fitted in quite neatly with Hilary Mantel saying "K-Middy is a plastic princess".

It sort of fits in quite neatly, so that's okay.

I still don't understand why HM is a blancmange.
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LOL douglas!

(tries to stifle laughter)

(but can't!)
And she's doing a fab job,

What has she done that is so fab?
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The whole world adores her.

That what princesses are for.
Any factual answer to my question?
hilary mantel is a blancmange because she's pink and would wobble if you poked her

and count me out of the royal adoration statistic - the whole world adores her is far from the truth
Sorry, have to agree, 'K Middy' is a really annoying. Each to their own though, eh.

Diana once referred to herself as "a birthing chamber", which is obviously where Ms Mantel gets this idea about Kate from.
We're all entitled to our own opinions, but it's difficult to make assumptions on someone you don't really know.
I tend to agree, and say she doesn't come across as having much of a personality and seems a bit dull, but what would I know? I'm basing this purely on what I've seen of her on the TV, that's it. For all I know, she could be the life and soul of the party and a right hoot. I doubt it, but she could! :-)
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She has made herself adorable in the eyes of the world.


(not including Hilary Mantel, of course)
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(and bibble)
Making yourself adorable in the eyes of the doing a fab job is it?

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