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She's the only person I've ever known to go to the trouble of brewing two different types of coffee for breakfast.......when camping!
12:57 Mon 17th Mar 2014
A great loss.

She was a brilliant character and a wonderful raconteur.
I didn't know her, but knew her father who was a surgeon at the Middlesex Hospital I I think it was the Middlesex. A great after dinner speaker and an excellent teacher of surgery.

I have just informed Mrs sqad and she is devastated.
Loved her utterly non-pc style, RIP.
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She seemed to have been a woman who would have livened up the dullest dinner party.
She's the only person I've ever known to go to the trouble of brewing two different types of coffee for breakfast.......when camping!
Awww RIP.

I liked her. She apparently had a massive IQ. She also pissed millions of inheritance up the wall.
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That is 'style' writ large. :-) ^
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Not the pissing a fortune away, the coffee business. ;-)
that was one heck of a life, a truly remarkable woman
I couldn't agree more Sandy! She had bags of style in her own inimitable way.
She was such a character. I loved watching her on tv and spotting her in our local Tesco's.

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Though, when you come to think of it, people like Peter O'Toole splashed away a fortune with some style, too.
A wonderfully intelligent eccentric lady who has lead a very interesting life.
A lady I would love to have met, real character,RIP.
I loved watching her on TV. Very natural. RIP.
Oh, that is sad news. RIP, Clarissa.

According to the Link, she'd not had a drink for well over 20 years,
Another Great Character has gone,
Very entertaining, very interesting and awfully funny
My ideal dinner guest. As long as I didn't serve carrots!
Remember her talking about having sex in the House of Commons (or maybe Lords) Quite a girl in her younger days I believe. Will be missed by many. RIP Clarissa.

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Rip Clarissa Dickson Wright...

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