I sometimes think there was more to 'The History of Mr Polly', by HG Wells, than I saw at first reading. The idea of getting up, packing a small bag, and just walking away from everything is increasingly appealing.
Is there any particular book which has inspired you?
The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson which, as well as being a Lovecraft styled pulp novel, opens wider philosophical notions. I remember in my teens reading about the notion of 'video phones' where people could see as well as talk to each other, and I think about that every time I use Skype.
Unoriginal I know, but for me it was To Kill A Mockingbird. A brilliant description of a decent man fighting for justice, and against racism in his local community
Peter, i agree that books can be a route to escapism, BUT also like tilly says it can be really helpful to find out that other people have had the same or similar experiences to you. This can out things in perspective or give you another view of your own situation and help you work your way out.
I know its s bit cheesy but i read Chicken soup for the soul years and years ago at a bit of a low point and it really helped me feel that life was not that bad :-)