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Today's 'much Ado About Nothing'

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joeluke | 19:31 Sun 22nd Mar 2015 | News
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"a horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"

reckon he never said anything like - more likely he saw the lancastrian knights coming and said "oh crap".
Of course he didn't say it. That is a quote from a play :-)

If you're at all interested in history though it is a fascinating story
It's a bit ado to those of us who are interested, JL - although 2.5 hours in one prog on the TV today seems rather over the top.
^^ BIG ado
if you aren't bothered don't watch.....
and why not, he was a king of England, even if he usurped it.

After all, Queenie 2 is a Saxe-Coburg - does that qualify her as a Deutsch immigrant?

i went there to get an authentic picture of the proceedings

but it was all over before i had got my easel set up
I wonder what he would have thought about getting taken to the Church in a car.
He was king of England for a time. I think a royal burial is quite fitting.
were you well-oiled, excel?

lol - DTC
This has probably been asked in the past but I still don't understand how anyone could have known where to look for the body and how did they know anyway because it is believed that he was just thrown into a ditch 500 years ago.
And even more incredibly it was under the very place in the car park where they made the first excavation.
It did seem a bit OTT, and probably cost thousands, but the coffin was very plain for a King.
That is what heritage is all about isn't it?
Thanks Woofgang, but it is still not clear how they came to dig on that exact spot.

stargazer. i think they stumbled across the bones accidentally while constructing a car park
No. The car park had been there a long time. Somehow they had worked out the exact spot to excavate.
It seems they'd been investigating that car park - there was the remains of a ? chapel underneath it, he wasn't just tipped under the car park.....

a prof. on the TV today said they'd been looking in that area for a long time.

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