News2 mins ago
French Homework Help
41 Answers
Hi! Can someone please watch the 2 minute long French video and answer the questions? I really need some help!
http:// www.les metiers .net/or ientati on/p1_1 95132/p rofesse ur-d-an glais
1. Pourquoi est-ce qu'elle a eu envi de devenir prof d'anglais?
2. Quel est l'un des responsabilités d'un prof d'après Mme Perier?
3. Où est-elle partie pour faire ses compétences en anglais?
4. Nommez trois choses qu'elle fait dans une journée typique.
5. Pourquoi dit-elle qu'il y a tant de répétition dans un cours de langue seconde?
6. Quelles sont deux avantages de ce métier, à l'avis de Mme Perier?
7. Dans son opinion, quelle est une qualité requise pour être un bon enseignant?
Thank you so much!
1. Pourquoi est-ce qu'elle a eu envi de devenir prof d'anglais?
2. Quel est l'un des responsabilités d'un prof d'après Mme Perier?
3. Où est-elle partie pour faire ses compétences en anglais?
4. Nommez trois choses qu'elle fait dans une journée typique.
5. Pourquoi dit-elle qu'il y a tant de répétition dans un cours de langue seconde?
6. Quelles sont deux avantages de ce métier, à l'avis de Mme Perier?
7. Dans son opinion, quelle est une qualité requise pour être un bon enseignant?
Thank you so much!
I'm getting a bit confused with the intro being in English and the English interjection s at the moment. I'll listenh another couple of times and try to answer (just back from France after 15 years there so I really will try - how long have I got?).
21:10 Thu 13th Aug 2015
How about trying to go through it very slowly and write down what you think that she is saying in French, as much as you can, it might start to make more sense then as you fill in the gaps.
She does go through the questions in quite quick succession. Maybe if you come back with any words/phrases that you are particularly stuck on?
My French is very rusty, not far off 20 years since I last studied it but I can understand most of what she says (more annoying with the background noise though) I have been enjoying brushing up a bit watching Witnesses (Les Temoins), quite good for listening to French as it is spoken and phrased. Could be something to watch if you are learning.
My French changed hugely for the better after doing work experience there, hearing it as it is actually spoken.
She does go through the questions in quite quick succession. Maybe if you come back with any words/phrases that you are particularly stuck on?
My French is very rusty, not far off 20 years since I last studied it but I can understand most of what she says (more annoying with the background noise though) I have been enjoying brushing up a bit watching Witnesses (Les Temoins), quite good for listening to French as it is spoken and phrased. Could be something to watch if you are learning.
My French changed hugely for the better after doing work experience there, hearing it as it is actually spoken.