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Do Libraries Have A Place In Modern Britain?

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expire-ed | 11:14 Thu 29th Jun 2017 | Arts & Literature
61 Answers
I read this earlier, and wondered what people thought:

With the closure of hundreds of libraries over the last few years, do we think we're seeing the end of these community knowledge hubs?

Here's a bit on the closing of libraries last year:

Do you still use the library? In what capacity?

I confess to not having been in a library for a long time, as it's often not really my crowd (the books I like I new, and literary - and most of the non-fiction I want can be bought cheap or found online for free).

And yet, I am sad at the idea of them closing.



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the library here is very popular too, people sitting reading, on the computers, choosing a book.
Like so many others, occasional authors visiting and Wednesday afternoon is Toddler time
(which scared the beejabers out of a gentleman sitting next to me at a computer)
LOL alba. There's nothing nicer than seeing a toddler engaged in a story, their faces full of concentration!
you're right Ele, and you can see the look of wonderment so clearly on their faces.

Am with Kingy on the frisson of excitement upon opening a new book and patiently waiting for the story to unfold as you read on.
I like both options alba, there'll always be room for the traditional format. I have my granddaughter this afternoon, we have loads of books for her. She snuggles up and I get right into the story with her with so much drama ;0)
It's a draw when it comes to who enjoys it more ! :-)

The older alba was (and still is) an avid book-reader.
It's lovely to get lost in a book with a glass of something in your hand alba x
ooh, innit?!
Who can ever forget the 'I'll just finish this chapter and go to bed'
only because you're so engrossed the blessed thing falls asleep on you !
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I'm glad there's so much love for libraries.

I think you are hitting on why I personally don't use them much - which is they do seem to be FOR people without internet access at home, and for toddlers (and their keepers). I don't really fit with that crowd, and might be taking up their resources?
I would be lost without our library. I've used libraries since I was a child and I'm knocking on now.
I've always got a list of reservations and I can mange my account on line.I'm a crime fiction junkie and buying the latest books would be an expensive do for something I only read once.
I've never demonstrated against anything in my life but if they were to threaten our library with closure I'd definitely be outside waving a banner.
Nonsense Exp, the resources are there for everyone !

Having said which, if you are of a nervous disposition, find out when the toddlers and their keepers group is on.

Forgot me manners, Welcome to AB, hope you'll enjoy it here.
It'd help no end if you are slightly bonkers btw :-)
They definitely do have a place today, what a wonderfully written first article too by the way.

Our local library was housed in a beautiful building and well used being close to three schools and some elderly sheltered housing, but despite our best efforts it succumbed to the closures.

My central library in the town centre is very grand and has kept pace with all modern additions but of course will never quite have that local community feel - in an ideal world we should have access to both types.

We know that isn't always possible sadly.
Libraries certainly extend my reading range. As it costs nothing I will borrow books I would not necessarily buy because I don't know the author or the book is not immediately appealing to me and I have found real treasure.

I firmly believe that authors should get their royalties and official recognition of the numbers of their books read which they don't get if I buy second hand books or borrow from friends, so the library is a good compromise for me.
I'm back, I was delivering reading material to the neighbours! The free edition of the evening news! I can't read when I'm tired alba, I don't want to have to re-read it to make sure I haven't missed anything, when I start feeling tired I stop x
yes, i use mine a lot, i could never afford my reading habit otherwise. like the others ours is used for a lot of things and would be a big loss. overhearing the staff i think although they have salaried staff their numbers are dwindling and they rely on volunteers.
Hope your weather is better than ours Ele !

Mamya, the library in our 'big town' is in a sandstone building, heaven knows how old, the interior is a huge contrast to the interior.
Shame when a library closes.

HC, agree with you about the royalties, staff have wonderful knowledge if asked about different genres and are only too happy to recommend an author.
Rain here alba, sound familiar?
Ele, yes, only too familiar lol
A good afternoon to curl up with a book.

ooh, that brings back a childhood memory, wet Sundays, Dad in his chair, reading (voracious appetite for reading, mum in kitchen cooking things, both brothers and myself sprawled on floor reading as well.
Mine was Bunty lol
Jackie mag! x
could never quite be bothered with Jackie, don't know why.
I do remember progressing to Famous 5 books :-D
Yes, Famous Five! :0)

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