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hazydaisy | 23:17 Sat 08th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
From where do you get your books?
I go to the library
Buy on line
Have a kndle
Haunt Oxfam
Keep asking at Waterstones when my favourite authors have a new book coming out
No more book shelves or space for more books
Panic stricken



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No more book shelves or space for more books

Daisy, you're gonna have to get rid of some of the old ones to make way for new ones.
I love books, I have walls full back home and have been haunting the thrift shops and independents since I've been here. Never have anything to do with a person whose TV is bigger than their bookshelf :) lol
I don't go to the library anymore. It was a godsend when I had no money to buy books, though. Also I kept forgetting to take them back in time.
Nowadays I buy mostly from Amazon to put on my Kindle. I might go to Waterstones if I have time to spare in a town, but 2nd bookshops are my favourite places.
I'm rubbish at taking library books back as well, fines bigger than the average budget for a third world country :/
The last two books that I bought ( a few months ago ) were off ebay.
Could only get them second hand ( and no Daisy they weren't car books of any discriptsion )
Cookery books tony ? :-)
Dummies guide to Gravy making.
Ohhhhhh no .
I have no pleasure books anymore. I once had an extensive book collection but i had to leave it under difficult circumstances.
Oh Barmaid that's awful :(
Avatar Image anneasquith Cookery books tony ? :-)

Avatar Image Mamyalynne Dummies guide to Gravy making.

Oi you two, pack that in.

Anyway they are fictional books set in the exact place that I was born and raised ( and still live ), the authoress also comes from here ( although she has lived in Dorset now for many years ), boy she knows the place inside out. Surprised ( even though she's a few years older than me ) that I didn't know her in one way or another ;-)
Oi madam jo, no need for you to start either.
I'm watching you, missy ;-)
I'm hiding under me cloak :-)
That Harry Potter stuff doesn't work with me.
had to start giving away books to the charity shops about 5 years ago. I filled them up and then had to look for the charity shops in the next suburb. But really, if I haven't looked at something in 10 years it can probably go.

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