Help With Arabic Translation in The AnswerBank: Travel
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Help With Arabic Translation

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cst89 | 22:38 Wed 13th Mar 2019 | Travel
9 Answers
Hello! We are travelling to Jordan soon and I need help with Arabic translation of a short sentence explaining that I have a special (vegan) diet, when ordering food. The translation can be written in Arabic (without phonetic transcription), as I will print this on a card and present if needed. Can anyone help please?

I need to translate this:

"Greetings, I would like to order some food with no meat, no fish, no eggs, no milk or cheese, and no honey. Can you recommend anything please? Thank you!"

Also thank you very much for your help with translation!
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While online translation services can be unreliable, taking the output from Google's English to Arabic translation and then reverse-translating it in Bing, Reverso, Yandex and Babelfish seems to suggest that Google has got it right. (i.e.all of those back translations yield the same English text as you've included in your post, rather than something...
23:08 Wed 13th Mar 2019
While online translation services can be unreliable, taking the output from Google's English to Arabic translation and then reverse-translating it in Bing, Reverso, Yandex and Babelfish seems to suggest that Google has got it right. (i.e.all of those back translations yield the same English text as you've included in your post, rather than something weird like "My hovercraft is full of eels").

Assuming that to be the case, printing this out onto card should meet your needs
That's a great answer, Chris - I hope that cst appreciates your efforts.
Good to see that you're back to your brilliant best after your health problems :)
yup: can't get the first or last bit
BUT the centre is
without meat, no fish, no eggs, no cheese no honey, - so it looks OK

do you want to say anything?
nabarty is vegetarian, and 'ana nabarti'
is yup I am a vegetarian

having done it- gone to an arabic speaking country with a veggie - it works quite well - most of the population is economically vegetarian.

and have a good hol
which part of Jordan are you going to ?
Have you really thought your trip through? Best of luck.
Just stick to the mezzo type meals and you’ll be fine - bread, hummus, olives etc.
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Great, thank you very much for your help! Daniel
surprisingly came up in my arabic class this week

nabarti covers the whole spectrum ( some veg down to grass only )

and then you cover what you dont eat see above

and we were doing the verb construction after walakin
( but I drink milk etc ) walakinni ashrib haleb ....

and so on on
my own effort would be:

أريد وجبة بدون لحم أو سمك أو لبن أو جبن أو عسل

'urid wajabat bidun lahm 'aw samk 'aw laban 'aw jabn 'aw easal

وجبة wajeeba is correct - wajeeb also means duty and or homework (!) - I thought bidoon ( wivart ) should be followed by a list of "or"s - أو
and that is 'ow' as in a Michael Jackson song .....

I mean you want summit and so you tell them what you want clearly

they arent great ones for - after you claude, oh no after you! I would be so frightfully grateful if you cd extend your generosity to boiling and not frying in animal fat, it really is so terribly kind etc etc

oh slot in a min fadlak at the end - as in chris's

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