Society & Culture25 mins ago
Too Stupid To Get I D?
20 Answers
https:/ /news.s story/l ocal-el ections -2023-d avid-da vis-cal ls-for- delay-t o-new-v oter-ph oto-id- rules-t o-preve nt-hund reds-of -thousa nds-bei ng-bloc ked-fro m-casti ng-ball ots-128 60103
....surely we don't want people that thick voting anyway do we?
....surely we don't want people that thick voting anyway do we?
And there's adverts on TV several times a day. ...but the adveryising its not working...or people are pretending its not working just cos they want to complain about authority
16:48 Wed 19th Apr 2023
I have always had problems when photo ID is required as I do not have a driving licence or passport. However, on the list for ID voting is an OAP bus pass and a blue badge holder so I can you one of those. The list of accepted ID is quite long and if you do not have any of them you can apply via the website. I would assume that many of the people who have not applied have one of the ID's mentioned on the list.
I don't understand how anybody cannot know about I.D. being needed - I seem to have known for years (or so it feels). I'm glad that bus passes are acceptable, because otherwise I would have a problem as my passport and driving licence are in my maiden name.
This actually could catch out a lot of women, who would need to take along their wedding cert..
Having said that, it has been advertised for ages (over a year I think) that you can apply to your local council for a suitable proof of identity. It was seen as patently obvious when I lived in France, that you had to bring along some proof of your right to vote.
This actually could catch out a lot of women, who would need to take along their wedding cert..
Having said that, it has been advertised for ages (over a year I think) that you can apply to your local council for a suitable proof of identity. It was seen as patently obvious when I lived in France, that you had to bring along some proof of your right to vote.
This is obviously a measure that's been brought in by the incumbent government because they think it will benefit their party at the ballot box. That being the case the only mystery is why David Davies is criticising it. Perhaps because when you're old, and no longer 'in the game' as it were, you can speak freely and according to your conscience.