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Help With A School Book

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lostboy87 | 21:12 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers

We were read a book in either last year of middle school or 1st year of High late 80s early 90s.

All I remember is a boy being angry at his dad because he had befriended/given a job to the school bully.
I think his dad had a workshop at a quarry but could be wrong.
Also, I was certain the book involved a jade dragon/green dragon ornament that the bully liked.
I thought this was in the title also but can't find anything.
Think the book was set in the UK.

Sorry its vague but would love to find this book again.



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The Dragon in the Garden by Reginald maddock?
21:32 Sun 18th Aug 2024

The Dragon in the Garden by Reginald maddock?


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That's the one!!! Wow been searching for years!

Thank you so much, just ordered it.

I read it when I was about 12 and found it fascinating but I can't remember much except the maain character was initially home schooled, called his parents by their first names, then he started secondary school and was bullied by Fagso and smoking was involved. Then there was something about dynamite/explosives and a dinosaur fossil.... but I can't remember how it ended. I might even have lent it a school friend and never got it back. I'd love to find a copy and read it again

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Just got it from Amazon for £3.19

Looking forward to reading it again. I was about 12 too, I'm 45 now.

Enjoy. It's over 50 years since I read it!

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