Has anyone else read The Dark Tower books? What did you think of the ending? Some people I know were really disappointed but I thought it was a great ending.
i am a real Stephen King fan but i haven't really got into the dark tower series yet.
i've read the first one, The Gunslinger, but it didn't make me want to rush out and buy the second one.
i like to own all the Stephen King books that i read, as i tend to read them again, years later, so if i come across the second book in a charity shop i would buy it just to see what it's like!!
ha! i was just about to come on and ask that question myself. anyway, im on song of susannah at the moment. personally i think sk has lost his way with this story now. i read the first few books with real enthusiasm, but it just seems like hes going thru the motions now with no real heart. i will plough on tho. have you read any clive barker, eg weaveworld or the great and secret show?
After such a HUGE build up to it the ending was always going to be something of a let down. I like the fact that it was not so happy, or mayber it was?
Either way I like the idea that Ka (Karma) is a wheel. The ending sat well with the series I thought.