Somebody told me that Avon so soft body oil spray i think is good for warding off mozzies. Has anyone got any ideas which one it was and anybody have good results with it. thanks bestmum
they seem to now do a special skin so soft bug guard. Look on Amazon. They must have heard that their product was good against mosquitos. I dont have any personal experience though.
Apparently any of the fragrances in that range do the trick from what I've read up on it...never tried it for that but it's good for the skin anyway. Hope it works for you if you get it.
Thank u all for yur help. I am the same boxtops i am going away soon and wanted to see if it can deter the mozzies cos i always get bitten must be the good blood.
i know squaddies like using it as it wards them off! i thin an electronic zapper is also very good. best to use a proper mozzie cream and spray and hydrocortisone cream and antihistamine for when u actually do get bitten-nothing else will work.
SizzleSquid.being an Avon Lady,perhaps you could a word in about bringing it onto the UK market,I for one would welcome it as I get eaten to death by any biting insect.Hate having to wear these wristbands that stink of Deet.