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my eyes?

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AutomaticGal | 21:44 Sun 09th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
its wierd, but my left eye opens more than the other. its like my righ eye lid is tired or something coz its drooping. like you can see me and the whole of my left eye and three quarters of the other...

does any one know what this is and if i can get it fixed.


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do you look like that monkey thing that appeared with Orville?
An auntie of mine had an aneurism behind her eye, which left one drooping more than the other. They couldn't do anything about it because of her condition, but if it's not because of a medical problem, then I'm sure you could be helped - x
isnt it normal then for one lid to be slightly more drooped?
lmfao @ Bob.

gill what was its name?
cuddles :o)
are your eyes automatic too?

(sorry if this is a serious question)
cuddles, bob :)
you can have corrective surgery and get it fix. i've seen people with eyes like what you are describing.
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automatic eyes?.. is that a pun of my screen name. if so.. lol...
I think you may have whats known as a lazy eye.
didnt look very cuddly to me
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ive scratched the cornia of that particular eye like..... 3 times....... but i have had the droop for as long as i remember...
i think its normal to have uneven eyelids

either that or ive had a stroke
You shouldn't judge a book by its cover Bob lol
**** corrective surgery

buy sunglasses

yes it is a pun, actually i feel badly for making fun of your eyes.x
Question Author jpg

kind of like the top set of eyes in this image.
och thats nothing a-gal
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oh its ok chaterBox. it was funny.

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my eyes?

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