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Wax or Shave

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Sasha-2008 | 14:03 Fri 09th Jan 2009 | Beauty
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lol Lakitu - I couln't use wax strips around the poonani area though, I shave those bits off, 'specially before going swimming! ;o}

next time i go to an Indian restaurant I'm asking for poonani

Wonder if I'll get a slap
Lakitu, that made me laugh!

but I'm not asking my colleagues!
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OMG I can't believe they thought it was food.

I guess it does some mouth action from time to time tho. lol :)
Eat in or take away chuck?
He He somebody on here other day called it a front bottom, never heard that either, Then there was a Topiary something never heard that either, sorry sasha I am bringing your thread into disrepute. x
that just occurred to me

Laks, did you explain to them what it actually was.. and if so did they not wonder why you are randomly asking them about ladies bits at work!
The beautician doesn't use strips, Smudge. I'd have issues with that too LOL.

She used a type of wax called Lycon. She pastes (for want of a better word) it on the area, it's left to set and she pulls it off. It's a lot better than the traditional hot wax and fabrics, not painful and grabs hairs that are just a few days into the growth cycle (where the hot wax and fabrics can't).
lol Sasha - I can't imagine my husband with bald legs, he has really black hairy ones - mmmm!

I'd never heard of the expression poonani for that area before either, but assumed that's what it meant! I'd have thought it was a banana split or something! ;o}
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Thats ok Cab I really don't mind.

i have heard the term "front bottom", tho I thought it was something an older person might call it.

It seems a more polite way of saying it. :)
Laugh I nearly handed me fags round, oh shucks I've given up, havent I ?
Im not fussy, eat in or take away is fine by me Smudge
PMSL! I certainly hope there is not resemblence in the taste department though, Sash!

Chuck, that Q has made me laugh even more because they DIDN'T!!
''I'd have thought it was a banana split or something! ;o} ''

It kind of is :-)
sorry not smudge... snagged!
Especially if squirty cream is used!
Question Author
lol Smudge that made me giggle.

So am I right in thinking that you have a brazillian Lakitu??

Or just a tidy up??
OMG! I meant genuine squirty cream, OMG, my last post sounded wrong. Sorry!
Calm down Lak lol
Ha, ha, ha, snagged! I suppose it does resemble that! ;o}

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