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How do i get this hairstyle look ?

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ems27 | 17:01 Wed 16th Sep 2009 | Beauty
6 Answers
you know the half curly, half wavy long style. I've tried to do this with my GHD's but have failed. any tips ?


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Completely blow dry hair. Straighten with GHDs. Pick small sections & tong into curls.....over top of straightened hair. Spritzz to hold.
I seem to have this style when I get out of bed.
with maggots! Who's body was in your bin sara?
that's libellous.. watch it, lady!

ps - who's been missing from AB? check my wheelie bin, lol!
I had the same problem. But i bought a 'wand' and it seems to work better.

I straighten my hair with my GHDS then use the want and then hairspray.

This is an example of one but i got mine in my local hairdressers> />
Hope this helps,
depends what your hair is like naturally x

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How do i get this hairstyle look ?

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