Darn these..... in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Darn these.....

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Amber-Rose | 21:03 Mon 13th Jun 2011 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
midge bites. Walking round the garden for 10 minutes - 2 bites on my lip, one underneath my eye and three on my neck. Help!!!
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In defence of midges, most species don't bite humans!

However, you could try eating Marmite sarnies ;-)

Oooooo"! Amber, you'll look as if you've done a few rounds withRicky Hatton come morning.

Have you got water in your garden Water butt, fish pond, I was always covered in bites until we got rid of the water. they breed in their hundreds in stagnent water.

Most species seem to bite me,buenchico!!
There are a lot this year,and I've never heard of the marmite cure,I eat that every morning but I can get bitten still.The only answer is insect repellant,and maybe an anti-histamine if the bites get itchy.

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