Reading in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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fabsec54 | 14:18 Thu 15th Sep 2011 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
I'm not sure if this is the right question to put to Sqad or not.

I am 45 years old and have enjoyed reading since being very small. However, over the last year or so I have found that, to make sense of the words, I need to read moving my lips to form the words. It hasn't put me off reading, but I feel I can't do so when on holiday etc. just in case someone sees me, as I was always told that to move your lips when reading showed you to be a bit thick!!!!!

Any advice?


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///I'm not sure if this is the right question to put to Sqad or not. ///

and neither am I ;-)

It is extremely common to see people reading who automatically have learnt to read in this manner and it is part and parcel of their reading technique, however, this does not seem the case with you.

In your case, this has occurred recently as a new phenomenon and i also assume that your speech hasn't changed, i.e slurred in any way or that you have any weakness of your limbs.

There could be a simple explanation in that you need to formulate the words with your lips to make sense of the sentences.

However, if you were my wife, in your situation i would ask my GP if in his opinion a Neurological opinion should be sought. I am sure that all will be well, but it would be nice to get expert advice.

Google..........Alexia......but don't get bogged down with the minutiae.
Have just read this. I have no advice, but have just realised that I do this if I am reading something very important and need to concentrate really hard. Either this, or I read it outloud.

I don't think I am particularly thick!!!


I have just unearthed this thread....did this resolve without further investigation?
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Thanks Sqad

I can't recall having had the "blob" in my vision for some weeks, so maybe it sorted itself out.

There's been no slurring etc. and I would have picked up on that as I'm a medical secretary so see things like that all the time.
Hi fabsec. If I'm reading with my glasses on, I'm fine. If I haven't got them on I read slower and mouth the words, it's purely because I need reaasurance as I'm not as confident with my glasses off. It could be the same for you. Have you had your eyes checked recently to see if they're the right prescription? Or if you don't wear glasses, go to the optician to see if you need some.
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I actually wear contacts, so I suppose that might have something to do with it. Haven't seen an optician for about 15 years, which is probably 15 years too long. I don't have the problem with reading newspapers etc.
Eyes tend to change after the age of 40 fabsec!! You must go back and have your eyes tested!

Good luck.
Contacts don't always give the same degree of correction as glasses... When I was nursing I couldn't wear them as they were not good enough to draw up drugs in the finer syringes... if you wear them you should be having yearly eye health checks as a minimum

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