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WF8MAN | 16:08 Mon 20th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Afternoon everybody, can anybody out there tell me why women expect men to know exactly what they're thinking, even though they know we're hopeless at it?


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I've come to the conclusion that they don't really expect men to know, but it's a all a tool to make men feel guilty.
I believe that, when in school they split the classes to go over sex education, while they were showing the lads how to put a condom on a cucumber, they were teaching the girls how to mess with men's minds to manipulate them into guilt via...
16:20 Mon 20th Feb 2012
You shouldn't need to ask this question.

You should know the answer!
It's perfectly obvious. We know what we're thinking and men should know it as well.

Try harder. Practice makes perfect.
It's very hard to know what anybody is thinking if they don't know themselves.
Women think ?
I know what mrs owd is thinking when my nuts go small and sore
It's easy for women- they know that 99% of the time men are thinking about sex - and the other 1% they are trying to decide whether to f*rt noisily or not.
Men don't know what to think until women tell them.
I don't get this.

I don't expect anyone to know what I'm thinking. All I expect of them is to know I'm...not happy/annoyed/angry/upset...

The reason why will be revealed when I'm good and
I've come to the conclusion that they don't really expect men to know, but it's a all a tool to make men feel guilty.
I believe that, when in school they split the classes to go over sex education, while they were showing the lads how to put a condom on a cucumber, they were teaching the girls how to mess with men's minds to manipulate them into guilt via confusion.. and so long as there's a woman on the throne that will always be the way!!
i don;t want anyone to know what i'm thinking. i'll tell you if i want you to know

*scary thought*
'but it's a all a tool to make men feel guilty. '

No Pa__ul, men do that all by themselves :D
This is because most men (not all) have a certain piece of the brain missing.
It's mostly down to communication.
Men when you know there is something wrong with your better half, ask her in a sympathetic way, 'What's wrong sweetheart?'
If she shouts back 'Don't sweetheart me!' it could be that time of month, so tread carefully.
Remember that song by Rex Harrison? Why can't a woman be more like a ....
If well trained by an experienced female parent he male of the speciaes will respond to the look .. this look tells them they are doing something wrong and have been found out. they will also learn from an early age to understand the different expressions of the female such as 'you are a complete pillock' You will pay for this' and 'how cute he seems almost human at times'
but missprim, you first of all find me a man who hasn't been on the end of "well if you don't know already I'm not going to tell you!!"
Pa___ul, are you and Mr Alba drinking buddies by any chance?!!!
I fear your search is like the world view of the Scottish diet, fruitless. :)
If you loved me you'd know sniff...slam door rattle pans noisily...sulk sulk roll over away from you at night... you'll beg to be told or supply presents anyway....
Men are worse than women. Women just get blamed because they 'sometimes' get hormonal and emotional. All 3 of the males in this house are moodier than me...Do they tell me what's wrong? No! And if they think I'm gonna pussy foot around them...they can think again. On the downside....that's exactly how they treat me.
just guess.

fat bum
hairy legs/armpits

if its none of them, then whatever it is it won't matter you'll be clutching your crotch in agony and won't really care.

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