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Weird isn't it the eye things! It felt really strange on Friday night, so glad my rhumo had mentioned possible eye problems else I'd have been a lot more freaked out!
Glad you're feeling better. Got a bit for mine to kick in I think. Still really tired (about to head to bed) and achey, the heat isn't helping though. Been sat here sipping juice through a straw almost constantly this evening as my mouth and lips keeps drying out worse than normal, off to put some more eyedrops in before bed after I post this. I find the heat makes my feet swell up more too and sends my restless legs crazy and knees been painful and swollen.
I get a lot of headaches and migraines (although, touch wood, not the latter for a while) but never had weird lights and stuff with it, my vision goes a bit funny when it's coming on though. Had a headache most of today but figured it was from my eyes being funny and straining more to try and see coupled with the heat and tiredness.
Right, I'm off to codeine up, stick a fan on and get some sleep. Hope all goes well Wednesday!