I usually have Ferrous Sulphate 200MG tablets on prescription, and take one a day. But I went to pick up my prescription from the chemist today and I've just realised he's given me Ferrous fumarate 210MG and the directions say take one twice a day.
Is this a mistake, or are they the same thing? And is it ok to take two of these fumarate tablets when I usually only have one Sulphate? Thank you.
it may well be a mistake by the dispenser, rather than the originator (gp surgery). do go back to them and check, but the dose prescribed is fine and around the same - you'll be fine taking it x
I was originally prescribed ferrous sulphate but after taking them for a few months my GP swapped me to ferrous fumarate because he said they were kinder to the stomach, but I took the same dosage of each - 2 a day. You could always ask your GP or pharmacist if you're not sure.
Thanks Sqad. They look horrible little brown things. My usual ones look like white Smarties and I can't taste them. The new ones look like the disgusting ones of my childhood that made me feel sick. Can you taste them?
Dried ferrous sulphate 200mg is equivalent to 65mg of elemental iron; ferrous fumurate 200mg is also equivalent to 65mg of elemental iron. Taking one twice a day of either sulphate or fumurate is a 'normal' maintenance dose.
I would go back to the pharmacy you got them dispensed at to see if a dispensing error has occured.
There is also a possibility that your GP could have increased your dose and changed the prescription to the fumurate which is gentler on your tummy.
Thanks Squsalminney. My doctor is definitely "not on the ball" enough to consider my tummy or my dosage. I think it's probably the pharmacist's mistake. And if you say that Mg to Mg they are both of the same strength, then I will definitely not be taking two of the fumarate. My Suplhate Mg were 200, and the fumarate are 210 anyway, so that's an icrease in strength in itself. Thanks again.