Really struggling to sleep the past few nights! Same old troubles i had before with the silly thoughts that wake me up or keep me awake!!
Im off today (mon) anyway, and hoping with time this will pass- especially cos ive just started working again! (keep waking up makig sure i havent slept in!)
I avoid caffiene too. Even caff free tea!!
Have started up propranolol again to try to ease this!!! Its so tempting to want to take something to help me crash out at night.
Just wanted a moan really - i feel better when its off my chest. Its horrible that ive been asleep and i wake up out of a sleep with this feeling/thoughts. Grrrr. Thought i was rid of it all :0(
Tinks I am just the same. I crash out though when I go to bed - for about 2 hours and then spend the rest of the night thinking, dreaming (nightmares usually). So in the morning I am more tired than when I went to bed.
I have got a very good way of helping young ladies sleep without the use of drugs, but its posting is not suitable for a family site! It works very well in most cases though.
A lot of ABer's suffer with insomnia. There are usually several posting through the small hours. I sleep for three or four hours and then like Lottie spend the rest of the night thinking and trying desperately to go back to sleep. Sometimes I get up and make a cup of tea (decaff) which just makes me want to visit the loo and does nothing to help me sleep. I am, of course, in the fortunate position of being able to rest during the day, although I never sleep, just doze.
When I have trouble sleeping I get a sandwich of something quick & easy like marmite & drink horlicks, 'mind over matter' with me to sleeeeep; I also set my alarm so I dont over-sleep.
Hope you like your work.....just think of how lucky you are & you should sleep smiling contentedly x