I have been getting a repeat prescription from my gp for ED for about 3 years now. It has been helping alot.
Just recently, i noticed on my latest prescription,(on the other side of it which the patient gets back from the pharmacist) was blank, whereas in the past it has always had the name of the medication I'm taking for ED listed to be able to tick for the next batch i need.
Does that mean that this latest batch will be my last if there is no repeat with it?
Does your GP usually inform you if you have to stop taking medication, or can he/she just refuse the future prescriptions you hand in?
When I used to get a private prescription from GP it was good for about 6 repeats before I needed a new one. The pharmacist used to remind me when it was due for renewal. If I had suffered from ED because of some specified conditions the GP would have prescribed on NHS. However, he stated that my requirement was "a lifestyle choice" and that meant I had to pay. It didn't matter that the vast number of daily meds had caused the bloody ED. Barstewards.
If you get a 'script' for Viagra , remember to swallow it quickly so you don't get a stiff neck .
bob101 there is a limit to repeat perscriptions private or NHS , you have to have a review every so often to check the med is still right for you.
You have obviously got to the review point so you need to see the doc and get the ok to carry on with the medication.
I notice my surgery has stopped prescribing certain lifestyle medications/products. I think it is laudable of them to make the patient prove they still need Viagra and not stockpiling it and selling it on. Im coeliac and they removed gluten free biscuits from my list without warning. The GP is not obliged to prescribe something you dont need.
BTW Squad, bednobs, etc - thanks for all the time wasting.
Usually if the Dr wants to review, there would be a reminder written on the repeat slip you get back from the Pharmacy. You could try writing the request for the repeat and popping it in the repeat prescription box at the surgery, and then you will find out, other than that, just ring the surgery.