The concept of a universal flu vaccine remains a holy grail. Several teams are working on such vaccines around the globe, and are at various stages of their development.
Not quite sure why pdq would assume that the fact that one has not been introduced as yet is some sort of conspiracy - the pharma industry are guilty of many things, and if you want to scare and educate yourself, read Ben Goldacres book, Bad Pharma, but this is not an example of that.
For a vaccine to progress to become a viable product available to the mass market, it has to pass a whole series of milestones, all of which takes time, effort, resource, and money. These range from proving the concept, demonstrating efficacy, demonstrating it is at least as good as the current products in the market, animal studies, small scale human studies, larger scale human studies, and finally phase 3 trials which are large scale human studies. At every stage, the regulator has to be involved.
This all takes time and money. Given how new such vaccines are, it might take 10 years before we get a viable product.
Currently, the vaccine at the most advanced stage of development is at phase 2 trials and evaluation. Some way to go yet.
For those interested, the following link gives a reasonable overview of the stages of development that a vaccine has to progress through.