I have an underactive thyroid gland and have been ticking along nicely for years taking Thyroxine 150mcg daily.
I had a routine blood check and my level was 21.84. The doctor asked for another blood test 8 weeks later which was 22.3. He asked for another one 8 weeks later. This time it's 24.5 with a TSH level of 0.02.
The doctor has now lowered my thyroxine to 125mcg and ordered another blood test in 6 weeks.
Any suggestions why my thyroid level is going up even though it's been steady for years.
I presume that the 21.84 and 22.3 are the levels of Free T4.
The TSH is a bit low and I agree with your DR that the thyroxine that you are taking should be lowered.
What is going on??....no idea.
As you get older your thyroid requirements tend to decrease with some people and also certain drugs may interact, but this would give high TSH not a low one as in your case.
I will be interested to see your next TSH results.