One is supposed to drink about eight glasses of water a day...I hate water...but drink numerous glasses of "juice"..that is the kind one adds water to.Can this count in lieu of just water?
Also the one I drink states it is "sugar free" it really?
Adding water to something doesn't stop it being water. There is water in foods, soup and drinks Eg tea etc. For many years I drank no water on it's own
lazy gun never read your link - but genuinely water is very good for you as it cleanses inside organs etc. I am luck anyway cos my water tastes lovely even other visitors have said so too and reach for my tap.
ooops Sqad - you would know correctly of course - but I enjoy drinking water even when I visit friends instead of tea or coffee - I ask for water - just love it.
I have a sister-in-law...ninety two...attractive and classy....could pass for mid sixties......almost wrinkle free...annoyingly....;-) Sharp as a razor and so fit it's frightening.....she has never, in the forty years I have known her, drunk water...tea...juices or alcohol. She just can't bear to drink liquid.
Sqad....Drink when you feel the need to drink? May I take that as doctor's orders...please? x
Having just had a kidney stone and acutely aware of the dreadful pain that goes with them, I can only pass on the recommendation of my specialist that one should drink two litres of fluid a day to reduce the chances of their forming. And he didn't say what kind of liquid, just that if I made it all beer, that might cause other problems!!
One nurse told me that she'd had three babies and one kidney stone and that she'd rather have another child any time.
You can get most of your water requirement from the food you eat. Drink when you feel thirsty and don't worry about it. It'll most likely add up to sufficient. Top up with the odd glass if concerned.
It is, though, worth watching the colour of your urine. What you see in the loo should be pale yellow unless you have been eating or drinking something to colour it.
Sugar free drinks that are sweetened use artificial sweeteners. The jury is out on health risks but they make me feel ill.