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Thanks Sqad. Oh, crap, I was hoping it was a joint/RA free zone, I knew osteoarthritis can affect the neck but thought it was more wear and tear on bones and such.
I'm going to raise the anti-inflammatory thing again. I don't think my GP would prescribe them without rhumo's say so will see if I can pin my rhumo nurse down about it when I have my steroid injections done. My consultant supervised her last time so might get her in again which could work out well.
Could I also ask you? Would the steroid injections in my shoulders be different from the ones in my hips? The latter was for bursitis and the injections weren't really very painful at all though, for the subacromial impingement think, is that a different kettle of fish so to speak? I remember mum saying she had ones in her shoulders which hurt like hell.