Our doctors surgery insists that patients check with reception about results for test reports. Some patients suffering memory loss or similar might not be able to.
Is this usual in other practices?
This is perfectly normal. Same in my surgery. If the results are OK we are told so - no need to take up a GP or practice nurse time just to be told all is well. If a patient has concerns about remembering, then the receptionist can write it down.
My doctors has a recorded answering system with options (you can't make an appointment via reception - you have to speak to a nurse or GP first and they make an appointment if appropriate). There is a test results option open for certain hours in the morning though they can only give results if they have been checked by a GP.
My GP rings me if there is something concerning come up - she has done this a few times so even if I forgot (though I do have frequent tests) they would ring me if they needed to.