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dunnitall | 16:52 Sat 24th Aug 2013 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
Can anyone help please? What sort of emollient could a diabetic with thin skin on legs use which would be safe to moisturise the skin ? Not sure if just ordinary cream/oil would've safe. Thanks.


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I am guessing that you are a Type 2 diabetic..........Ordinary creme or Boots E45 would be perfectly safe.
Dermol is excellent .Anti bacterial .
Oilatum is very good too.Avoid aqueuos cream .It may be cheap but it's not that good on thin skin .
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Thank you I will have a look at that I wasn't sure if that would be ok many thanks.
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That was to squad then Shane's post appeared so thanks as well will look at all now and see what they say.
E45 is wonderful stuff, it's not expensive - it'll be just as good as more expensive brands.
I reckon that aqueous cream is the best of the bunch and very cheap if you buy a pot, not a tube. If your skin is very dry you can also wash with it, but be careful as it makes baths and showers slippery.
I have Diabetes 2 and my diabetic nurse recommended Doublebase Gel, which is highly moisturising gel - it is also unscented, and you can get it on prescription - I don't know it it can be bought over the counter. I use it on my feet and legs every night, and it definitely helps the dryer areas - and it sinks in quickly, as I've found that some of the other moisturisers have a tendency not to sink in if being used a lot. Ask your practice nurse about this.
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Thanks islasmum never heard of that one so will look into that.

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