Its actually not as simple as that. People also naturally have different kinds of memory and different memory skills. I have no memory whatever for numbers, none at all.
When I worked administering such tests (and this isn't new, the first research valid one I remember was in use when I was a student 40 years ago) I met a well off lady who had worked as an illustrator for botany books. When she started to lose her memory, she used her money to make arrangements for her care, financial management, housekeeping, personal care at need, everything. She had no family and only one close friend. When I assessed her and administered the test, I asked her how she managed day to day stuff she said "My dear I have someone to do it, its all taken care of". She had no idea of the day of the week or the date and didn't care.
Part of the test then was to look at a collection of simple images later on in the test the images were shown again mixed in with new ones and the patient had to say whether or not they had seen the image before. Its not as easy as you might think! This lady aced that part of the test, massively skewing her score. Se knew her diagnosis and problems and so I commented to her on how well she had done despite her damaged memory.
She knew why "Its the artist's eye" she said "it never leaves you"
So interesting? maybe Useful? not especially I don't think, or at least no more useful than existing tools. News? nope.