If you have faith in your dentist and they are keeping up to date with latest techniques, then they should be able to advise you as to the best for your particular problem. I have a bridge, couldn't have implants due to severe teeth grinding(bruxism). My cousin has had implants(I could have bought a 4x4 BMW for the same price!) and the process of preparation takes many months so how some adverts say it can all be done in a day is quite unbelievable. x-rays, scans, moulds, more x-rays, scans, drilling into jaw bone, taking care to avoid the nerves that could leave your face paralysed, titanium screw, more x-rays, temp teeth, wait a few months for everything to settle down, back to dentist, x-rays, proper teeth, away you go! I'm sure I've missed some processes out but I think you get the picture.