Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Poldark Fans .........
6 Answers
Are you looking forward to the remake? NOTHING could match up to the original in my opinion. If you loved it read this article and reminisce ...........
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/t vshowbi z/artic le-2593 881/Pas sion-pi lchards -Poldar k-sexie r-Mr-Da rcy-JAN -MOIRS- heart-p ounding -wilder -storm- tide-Co rnish-b each-70 s-bodic e-rippe r-remad e.html
But Aidan Turner, nice as he is, is not patch on Robin Ellis!
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=a idan+tu rner&am p;sourc e=lnms& amp;tbm =isch&a mp;sa=X &ei =7qw6U- 7JItLwh QeJt4HY Dg& sqi=2&a mp;ved= 0CAYQ_A UoAQ&am p;biw=1 024& ;bih=63 8#facrc =_& imgdii= _&i mgrc=Vn zSp3ZjU gShvM%2 53A%3B4 p_To0hS rgjWZM% 3Bhttp% 253A%25 2F%252F johat.f iles.wo rdpress .com%25 2F2011% 252F04% 252Faid an-turn er-comi c-con.j pg%3Bht tp%253A %252F%2 52Fjoha t.wordp ress.co m%252F2 011%252 F04%252 F01%252 Ffor-th ose-wit h-an-ai dan-tur ner-sha ped-hol e-in-th eir-lif e%252F% 3B600%3 B400
But Aidan Turner, nice as he is, is not patch on Robin Ellis!
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