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Gastro Advice Needed

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mandimoo | 11:41 Thu 28th Aug 2014 | Health & Fitness
1 Answers
My toddler vom'd on me several times last night. I'm nearly finished the clean up operation & have been carefully handwashing to the point of compulsion! The last food I ate was 6pm last night. I feel alright at the moment. 2 part question....

Am I safe to say I've avoided it yet?
If there is any doubt that I've avoided it, is there any benefit to me starving myself till tomorrow? My thinking is that I will starve the bug of fuel to survive.


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Nope, no point in starving yourself at all. If its norwalk then it spread by air born droplet as well as contact. Handwashing will help loads, as will wiping things like doorknobs, loo seats and flushes and so on. Not eating will not.
In the NHS, the rule was no going back to work until 48 hours after the last episode from either end, so you still could theoretically get it...sorry!

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Gastro Advice Needed

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