fractured/broke big toe 4-5 weeks ago swelling gone down still painful but a lot of the skin is peeling off around big toe is this normal? being diabetic i have to be careful about my feet so visit to docs or wait til next tues as i'm going to fracture clinic at hospital?
As a diabetic you really ought to seek advice now.
It may be worth popping along to A&E just to be on the safe side or phone the diabetic clinic.
If you weren't diabetic I'd hang on until Tuesaday but your condition means you ought to err on the side of caution.
A&E ASAP. Obviously you know the dangers related to feet and diabetes. My friend (with diabetes) had his toe removed a few weeks ago after ignoring symptoms of his toe becoming gangrenous. And now he is livid that he doesn't even get 10% discount on his shoes! :)
So far it's only been tested on mice and monkeys, and while diabetes uk are cautiously optimistic, it will be a fair few years yet before type 1 diabetes can be said to be 'cured'...unfortunately. At least it seems to be a real step in the right direction though.
skins seems normally to peel when there has been some kind of swelling (I have Type 2), especially when I have had a flare up of gout.
If in doubt trouble the A+E