Partial Denture in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Partial Denture

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jennyjoan | 16:48 Mon 27th Oct 2014 | Health & Fitness
21 Answers
Well have finally made it (somewhat).

Had 3 back teeth extracted 3 weeks ago and 4 front teeth out today and a temporary partial denture inserted.

I know it is early days or hours but denture just feels like a big blub of hard blu-tac.

My next appointment is 6 months time and I have to make a decision re

1. Permanent denture

2. Implants

She (dentist) has also told me she wants to remove 7 fillings to improve my bite (do not want this done) and also told me that my veins are very poor to give me IV-sedation which I did get done with the first back teeth with difficulty.

At the moment I think I will be swaying towards permanent denture as implants seem to be a lot of work and maybe more pain.

Anyway I know I will feel a bit funny when I have to take these partial ones out - can I keep them in for a few days or more.

Should I expect pain as they bed down and have to go back to the dentist for adjustment or can I expect them to be okay.

Thanks for any of your experiences. JjCon

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