My wife takes Amlodapine 10mg and the only effects that appear to be there beyond lowered blood pressure is something that one might expect is pretty normal. My understanding is that among the ways these things work is to relax blood vessels, etc. and consequently increase the volume of blood to keep the oxygen flow going (this being a simplified description). Therefore, as the effects wear off, the increased liquid is superfluous and gets shed through the kidneys, into the bladder and.....yes, you need to go to the toilet - in the middle of the night. Otherwise she seems to have no ill effects.
Are you aware of the latest research where they found that going for a brisk walk first thing in the morning did all the pressure reduction, not just there and then but for the rest of the day ? Perhaps you could give that a try for a couple of weeks - if it works for you, tell your GP and maybe hold off with the medicines.