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jennyjoan | 12:42 Thu 13th Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
If you are just going to doctors for review of prescriptions or anything for that matter - would you look well. ie put your makeup on, do your eyes, curl your hair. Or go in plain dowdy.

Don't know if it is a good thing or not to look good - one of the receptionists (lovely girl) said oh Jenny you always look good and you have always your lipstick on. Aren't you supposed to look sick re doctor's LOL


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Mrs sqad always "does herself up" wherever she goes and sometimes changes outfits twice a day if she feels that it would be appropriate.
Oh! and she always takes chocolates for the dr's receptionists and nurses.
i never curl my hair or put make up on so no.
Its called being presentable - just because you are getting a prescription review doesn't mean you are at deaths door.
cleanish underpants is the biggest effort i make ...

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RR - as I say "anything for that matter" - tests, results, advice.

and as I said its called being presentable, unless your really ill there is not excuse really for not being presentable
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My doctors, nurses and receptionists flit throughout the week from one surgery to the other (2 surgeries) and I sometimes don't think they sing from the same hymn page.

When they look at the computers - trying to understand the information in front of them - they certainly look confused to me.
Your wife sounds lovely sqad. Jenny, always with makeup. You are funny ;0)
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Well I can be presentable at all times then other times could glam myself up really well but I won't do that.
You're lucky if you can get an appointment at our surgery.
Ellena......she has her faults but yes, she plays the part of a wife very well.
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Did get asked out by the oul fella singing in the care home last week as I had glammed myself up. Did explain I wasn't one of the patients - well not yet LOL.
silk underwear...
We all do sqad .. male & female ... before you answer "yes I know you do" ;0)
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Cupid - I did have to wait 2 months - sure i could have died in that time.

Couldn't believe one of the Abers (can't remember her name) her husband got an appointment next day at her surgery.
JJ, never miss an opportunity to wear lipstick. ,:)
Is this like the housekeeper
syndrome ?

You know - must tidy up the house before the housekeeper arrives
If I rang my dr now I would get an appointment for tomorrow
I went to the trouble of having a shower/ changing clothes the other day, to find out it was for an asthma review with the practice nurse. Note to self, if you book an appointment well ahead, say what it's for!
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good for you RR - unless it was an emergency we would have to wait -

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