i get very noticeable pains in joints even when sleeping , pulsating pains in joints mostly hips, shoulder and knee joints, even when in bed and wake up from sleeping, i had bloods taken last year, nothing showed which i was puzzled by , there must be some thing the doc can do to rule these out ?
sometime my knees are sore and not easy to stand after sitting, doc says this is only wear and tear at my age 52 yr old .
ive had gout for years and when i go to walk after some rest my feet are sore especially in mornings, feels like bones are broke in feet but this pain is different from my joint pain.
So far as I am aware there are no doctors (apart from Sqad) on this site, so any responses are pure speculation. As has been said already, a visit to your GP might be your best option.
Visit your go again and maybe ask to be referred to a rheumatologist.
Are your joints hot red and swollen or do they look normal
Are they stiff, or just painful
Did you have a virus before it started
How long has it been going on for
More info and it will be easier to point you in the right direction.
First of all, I'm not a doc, and I suppose neither of commenters are.
Set an appointment first. It's worth checking. Better be safe than sorry.
As rowan said, check your joints. If they're red and painful to touch, then it could be arthritis. If the visit to a doc is problematic right now, you can have a look here: https://arthritiscareforum.org.uk/ These guys can give you some tips on how to reduce the pain.
Stay healthy!