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muskox | 22:32 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Health & Fitness
14 Answers

Just registered with a new non-NHS dentist. Have had to pay £30 extra, on top of standard hygienist charge of £58, as I am a new hygienist patient. Is this standard practice?



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I don't know if it is or not, but I wouldn't be surprised.  We pay through the nose for private treatment.

I don't think it's standard practice. Seems like an opportunity for them to get more money. 

It doesn't sound right to be charged extra £30 just because you are new but maybe that's the latest money making scheme. They probably consider it a signing up fee to get you registered with the practice and initial assessment.

I'm off to the hygienist in the morning- absolutely hate it and would pay an extra £30 for them to let me off and do half a job! 😁

Sounds like robbery to me. 

Is it because they have to fill in a new form?

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Thank you. I agree with both statements. 

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I had to fill in an extensive online form, which is fine and had a full assessment of my mouth + Xrays + 3 bleach syringes for £175.

I was told there was hardly any plaque and no gum disease. Wish I hadn't opted for the recommended hygienist, but had to pay all charges in advance.

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I might have to look around for another dentist. The one who examined me didn't wear gloves (and had hot, sweaty hands) or a face mask. The mouth examination was cursory and didn't involve looking under my tongue, which my previous dentist used to do.

No gloves, I'd have been out the chair in a shot.

Falsies aren't cheap!

It's a bit like getting a new window cleaner, a slightly higher charge first time in case a flanker us pulled by not giving future business, just looking for a cheap one of.

Non-NHS. Private business.

Charge whatever they like, whatever the market will bear, don't they ?

My dentist charges per tooth - I'm well on the way to getting free treatment! 😂

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No NHS dentist in area, so have to pay private rates. Advertised examples seem to have additional extras added willy-nilly, even though I check the small print.

Looked at dental reviews from patients before registering. I think that they must have different standards.


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Pity that the GDC don't seem to regulate these private businesses stringenty enough.

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