Has anyone had trigger finger (or thumb) and if so, how did the operation go and was it a success? And did you have any steroid injections to try to cure the condition, before the operation? Thanks !
I think if your talking steroid injections then you may have it more severe than I had..
I got a copper band on my wrist and it was cured. I was sceptical at first about having one and I'm still not sure how it cures it but it worked for me.
I had it in my thumb, dr gave me a steriod injection and it was cured for about six months but it has come back and I am going into hospital in a couple of weeks. Just wondered if anyone had had the op and was OK now! Length of time to recuperate, etc. :)
As I was saying, I think I had a steroid injection which didn't work. I then had surgery, which was completely painless (general anaesthetic, though, as he did something to my knee at the same time!!). I seem to remember having to keep it elevated for a week or two (in a sling sort of thing) and it's been perfect for five years or more. Don't worry, you'll be fine.
my dad had the steroid injections about a year ago, rested for about 2 hours (he insisted on going to work as a Chef) and he's had absolutely no probs. Good luck!
Apparently nine out of ten have a full recovery with a steroid injection, but not me! I am having a local anaesthetic and have been told there will be some stitches in the joint but no sling, wonder if I will be able to type?? Might not be able to join in with all the ABers for a while - if so I will miss you !