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bianca1 | 03:49 Thu 22nd Feb 2007 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
1) Horrible musty smell - yes, I shower daily sometimes up to 4x a day (my laundry is out of control), I wear deo sometimes two at a time - which I switch often because some of them only work for 20-30mins at the moment I am using men's speed stick it works for about 4-5 hours. I used alchol to try and kill the germs/bacteria/smell - this only works temp. I have even order deo off of the internet and stores like GNC - please help me if you can!!!!

2) Over active sweat glands at the moment It is pretty controlled but with the summer approaching I know what I have to look forward to. I have consulted a Dr. who offered Botox this will control the sweat but not the odor, please help!!!!!!!


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a few years ago, i used driclor.
you use this once a day and it completly stops you sweating (i used it every day for a week and then returned to normal deodrant until i needed to use it again).
this really helped me and the embarrassing problem of sweating too much, i think you should try this before you use botox!
also, if you are not perspiring then there should be no smell, i think the smell comes when the bacteria in the sweat start to break down. so if you stop perspiring, there should be no smell.
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Thank you so much LOULOU I will give this a try immediately! I appreciate your time addressing this very troublesome issue not to mention embarrasing issue. I wish you the very best!!!
This may sound a bit stupid but a while ago when I got a bit warm my clothes stank, even clean on that day. What I didn't realise was that I needed to clean the heat exchanger in my tumble dryer. The problem stopped as soon as I cleaned it. Could be worth a look.

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