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gina32 | 18:24 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Health & Fitness
16 Answers
ive just got a large blister on the ball of my foot, its agony, what is the best thing to do? thanks


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Sounds very painful gina!

There are lots of websites with advice & here's just one of them:

Foot blisters

Good luck!
The best thing i always do is try to get the water out as soon as possibe. Then put a plaster straight on it. By getting the water out, you take the pain away from it and it allows it to heal much much quicker. : ) x
Had a big blister about 2" x 1" same place. Got prepared with needle (sterilised by flame or tea tree oil), tissues, plaster and tea tree oil. Carefully prick blister (maybe several times) at the edge and push water out by pressing blister with tissues. When all out put a few drops of tea tree oil on puncture site and apply sticking plaster to well cover the whole area. You can walk quit well again. Change plaster daily for a while (repeat tea tree oil too at first). Weeks later the dead skin will come loose and you can carefully cut it away to reveal new skin.
The unbroken skin over a blister provides a natural barrier to infection. This means that you should try to keep blisters intact and unbroken in order to avoid infection. Never pierce a blister with a needle, but allow it to break on its own once the skin underneath has healed.
If you have a blister in a position that is causing you pain or that makes it likely to burst (such as on the sole of your foot), its important to cover it with a soft dressing to pad to protect it.
Courtesy of NHS Direct.

Try Compeed blister plasters .They do all sizes for any blisters and ,relieve the pain and the pressure and you will find it will heal really quickly as they absorb the moisture and are anti bacterial. They stay in place even after a shower or bath and prevent infection. I had a nasty one on my heel a while back and these plasters were brilliant and it healed within a couple of days.
I wouldn't normally say pierce a blister either but not many of us can afford to not walk or just hobble around while we wait for a big foot blister to heal. Walking on it and still keeping it in tact would be nigh on impossible. My advice worked for me and kept me walking. The empty blister pressed flat against the new skin for weeks allowing this new skin to become 'ready'. I took all precautions against infection but its up to the sufferer - you pays your money .....
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The thing is with the Compeed is that they cushion it so well you can walk quite comfortably and it won't take weeks to heal. You either want it to heal quickly or not .!
I would rather spend the couple of bob (as they are quite dear and only four in a pack but you only need a couple at most )and walk in comfort than mess around and hobble about . And the beauty of them is ..they stay put for as long as takes the blister to heal.Remove plaster after a few days ...Voila ..blister gone !
Dont dispute your Compeed cure shaney but if you're at home you need to sort it there and then and not have to pop to the chemist or press gang someone.
bite it off!!!!!!!!!
You have a taste for so much Mr Nose. Stick to cheese and wine.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm cheese. i am not partial to wine however....................but i do like nose drink
Can't even have a sensible discussion about blisters now without some twerp making facetious remarks .

I see what you mean rabbitygirl....hadn't thought of it like that .
I must say I keep all sorts of things like that in though ..just in case ! I probably have liver pills somewhere from the year dot !
shaneystar i believe that we all agree that you are in fact the biggest blister we have ever encountered.......... you are tremendously painful,annoying and likely to burst when i walk on you.goodbye you eyeball.
I hope the link on treating blisters comes in handy for you gina & that your poor foot feels better soon! ;o}
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thank you smudge, sorry havent replied before but was waiting for an email from ab to tell me i had answers but now find out they dont let you kow anymore! anyway i looked at several sites and find that they all tell you not to pierce them, so just had to grin and bear it but thankfully its gone now. thanks to all
hahahhahahahah!! i love that mr.nose guy!!! hysterical!!

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