Spiderbee: I�m concerned to read that you seem comfortable in taking both paracetamol and another product containing paracetamol at the same time. Most consumers are not aware of this, but an excess of paracetamol can cause severe liver damage. Unfortunately, with paracetamol, there are no warning-signals if you�re taking too much. But once the paracetamol accumulates in your liver, it can cause a slow and agonising death.
Aspirin and Neurophin (ibuprofen, declafenic, voltarol, etc.) are all part of the NSAID�s group of medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). They have excellent benefits. However, inappropriate usage can cause stomach upset, leading to ulcers and internal bleeding.
May I please recommend if you�re having more difficulty than the norm in managing your cold, first speak with the chemist, explaining your problem. The next step would be to see your GP. Whilst self-medication can address minor issues, stepping outside the maximum permitted dosages can place you in mortal danger.
I wish you every success
Fr Bill