i've needed both my hips replacing for 3 years now but i am very fit and don't want to go through the trauma of the operation,is there any means of becoming a guinea pig for an alternative to surgery! i swim a mile a day but realise my mobility is 30% of what it was,i am 46
I am not sure that I understand your question. There are only 2 lines of treatment for OA hips, surgery and medical relief of pain. Where does the "guinea pig" aspect come in?
If medication is not relieving your painful hips then you need operation, if however pain is not a concern from your hips, then operation is not needed. Hip replacement is basically for the relief of pain. If I have missed the point of your question, please forgive me.
what kind of experimental surgery were you thinking of? If you need you hips replaced then you need them replaced. If you have RA they can sometime coat both surfaces of the hip joint with metal which will prevent you having a thr, but thats not experimental.
as a 34 year old who has had a hip replacement, i can only say go with your instincts - if thye are not causing you all that much bother, dont do it. If they are causing you grief then do. Mine was causing be pain, sleeplessness and a crap sex life. Happiy the thr cured all three!
Bednobs if you read his question again he describes an "alternative to surgery" not an alternative surgical proceedure. I am waiting for viali to explain his question more fully.