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Treadmill Trekking

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Velvetee | 15:13 Mon 01st Dec 2008 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers
I have to teach a Treadmill Trekking class tomorrow and have no idea what to do. The regular teacher is on holiday and no one has given me any guidelines, just thrown me in at the deep end, expecting me to just get on with it.

Has anyone ever participated in a Treadmill Trekking class, if so, please help and advise what actually happens and at what stage?


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hi velvet,this sounds interesting,maybe its sort of raising up the treadmills to different levels as in going trekking,a bit like those bike classes that you get in gyms where you pedal normally then increase rapidly then normally again, if that makes sense!!!
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I've had a look on You Tube and might add some of the things there, but yes, it is a class, where participants walk or run at different speeds and inclines. It's just the structure I'm stuck on, for instance time intervals etc. The class is 45 minutes.
How did you get on? it sounded like a good idea for a class. Ps i fell off the tread mill last week cos i stopped conentrating ....not hurt just a bit suprised. I was alone in ladies' gym so no-one laughed at me.
LOL, I fell off the treadmill once, Naomi. There is TV screen suspended from the ceiling infront of the treadmills, I was busy gawping at whatever was on and not realising I was travelling forward, I hit the emergency stop button and went for a fly infront of everyone! :o(
Get them all to do the Berocca advert.
OKGO on you tube is brilliant
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Well only 5 people turned up for the class. I tried to make it slightly different by getting them to do lunges, don't think they liked it, 2 of them cried off and did their own thing. Rude bints!

I hated every minute of it and 45 minutes dragged on, but most broke out in a sweat, except the girl at the end, who just walked at the same speed throught, waste of time doing the class really.

I have to do the class again next week and have asked my colleague, who does it regulary to write up what she does, with time intervals etc.
Ta for posting an update . Hope the class plan helps and it goes better next week.
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Thanks Naomi. I still don't want to do it though, I get very anxious about it. Think I might have to do it next friday too.
Hi . Just thought I would say that I am off to gym now. been awake since 6am and need a run. It's too cold and wet to run outside today. Wish me luck on that pesky treadmill!.

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